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Welcome to Team Tigers


Meet the staff

Mrs Hadfield                      Miss Pillinger                          Mrs Woodhouse

Welcome to Team Tigers and the beginning of your journey through school. 




The Early Years curriculum is designed to develop all aspects of the child and in Team Tigers we strive to make sure this is as fun and creative as possible. We want children to develop a love of learning so we ensure our learning environment is inviting and engaging for all our children. We work closely as a team to ensure the curriculum, provision and teaching enable all children to be challenged at their individual level and therefore thrive

The relationships between ourselves and our families are an integral component for a successful and effective start to your child’s school journey. We work hard to build these strong relationships and look forward to getting to know you all. 

In Team Tigers we celebrate and value every member of our class and look forward to seeing each individual child flourish into the best they can be.

‘The expert in anything was once a beginner.

Supporting your child at home

EYFS Recommended Reads

High Frequency Words


Key information

We are here




PE day is Wednesday, please come in PE kit.

Please bring your reading book everyday.

For Forest Schools please ensure that  your child has wellies and a coat in school.

It is a good idea to send in a set of spare clothes in your child’s bag and ensure all items are labelled with your child’s name.

Click to see a Whistle Stop Tour of Early Years

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