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The primary PE and sport premium was introduced in March 2013 to improve the provision of physical education and school sport in primary schools across England. The £150 million per year funding is provided jointly by the Departments for Education, Health, and Culture, Media and Sport (DfE, DH, DCMS). The funding is allocated directly to primary schools and is ring-fenced. This means it may only be spent on improving the provision of PE and sport in schools. In February 2014 the government committed to continue the funding until 2020.

At Lakeside Primary Academy we want to encourage all our children to play and enjoy sport, so that this active, healthy lifestyle can continues into their adult life.

2023-2024 Evidencing the Impact of the Primary PE and Sport Premium

2022 -2023 Evidencing the Impact of the Primary PE and Sport Premium

2021/2022 Evidencing the Impact of the Primary PE and Sport Premium

2020/2021 Evidencing the Impact of the Primary PE and Sport Premium

2019/2020 Evidencing the Impact of the Primary PE and Sport Premium

2018/2019 Evidencing the Impact of the Primary PE and Sport Premium

2017/2018 Evidencing the Impact of the Primary PE and Sport Premium