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  • At Lakeside our History curriculum provides the opportunity to learn about a range of interesting topics from local History, to British History and History in the wider world, fulfilling the requirements of the National Curriculum. 

    We aim for it to be engaging, to arouse curiosity in all of our children enthusing them to want to understand more about the past.

    Our children will develop their historical skills and knowledge through enquiring, analysing and evaluating evidence, critical thinking, questioning what they are told and developing their own judgements. 

    Learning will primarily occur in the classroom but with the added benefits of educational visits and visitors coming into school to make history come alive. We want our children to be inquisitive. We want them to be eager to learn about the past.

    Not only will learning be evident in their history topic but also in other areas of the curriculum, namely Literacy, Art, RE and ICT. Studying History will increase our children’s cultural awareness and moral understanding of the world they live in. A good understanding of their past will in turn help children to understand their present. 

  • At Lakeside, learning in History will be monitored closely. 

    A KWL grid will be completed by the pupils at the start of a topic to define their current understanding, showing: What is already known (K), What would like to be known (W) and What has been learnt (L). This will be revisited at the end of the topic to show the progression in their learning.

    Every lesson will begin with a brief revisiting of knowledge acquired from the previous session which will be scaffolded to support children to recall their prior understanding. 

    Vocabulary specific to the topic will be modelled consistently along with the knowledge and skills relevant to the learning. 

    Knowledge organisers are available to pupils to support both school and home learning of the topic.

    Learning Journey walls in every classroom will also provide a visible, familiar guide for their learning. 

    History assessment is on-going throughout the year. History skills are assessed and areas identified that require further coverage.This will be addressed in planning. 

    A variety of interesting and stimulating activities will accompany the factual learning to create memorable learning opportunities to stimulate interest and a desire to learn more.

    KS1 – Travel and transport enables children to acquire an understanding of time, events and people in their memory and parents and grandparents living memories.  The curriculum for KS1 has been designed to allow a full opportunity for children to really grasp the difficult concept of the passing of time. They are also taught about events beyond living memory –  Guy Fawkes and LS Lowry, significant Historical figures and the fire at York Minster,an historical event in our locality..

    LKS2 – Children will continue to develop a secure knowledge and understanding of British, local and world History and extend their chronological knowledge beyond 1066.  from Mayans to Romans in the first year of the rolling program to the Stone Age and  Ancient Greece in the second. 

    UKS2 – Children to repeat and embed this sequence of chronology with learning about the Vikings and Tudors and in the second year of the rolling program, Pole to Pole Exploration and World War II. 

    Through Black History Month in October, all pupils will be taught about the lives of significant individuals in the past who have contributed to national and international achievements- Eg; Rosa Parks, Nelson Mandella and Martin Luther King to name a few.

    Significant historical events will also be addressed when they occur- Eg; the Queen’s platinum Jubilee to ensure our pupil’s have a clear understanding of current happenings in the world around them.

  • Pupils will leave Lakeside with a deep knowledge of Britain’s History and that of the wider world, a curiosity to know more about the past and a clear understanding of the methods of Historical enquiry. 

    Pupil voice shows that children at Lakeside are able to talk about what they have learnt in History using subject specific vocabulary. It also demonstrates that they enjoy History and are able to recall their understanding over time. 

    Pupil’s work in books and on display clearly demonstrates their understanding and acquired skills in the subject. 

    Planning shows that History is taught at an age appropriate level for the needs of all pupils including those children working at greater depth.


Key Documents

History Curriculum 2023_24

History Knowledge Organisers

Subject Specific Knowledge Organisers are used as a reference point for children, staff and parents enabling all to be clear with the key vocabulary for each area of the curriculum.

Coming soon …