Here, at Lakeside Primary Academy, the aim of Religious Education is to help children to acquire and develop knowledge and understanding of Christianity and the other principal religions represented in Great Britain; to appreciate the way that religious beliefs shape life and our behaviour, develop the ability to make reasoned and informed judgements about religious and moral issues and enhance their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.
Religious Education within our school aims to teach children religious tolerance, respect and an understanding of others cultures and their own beliefs as they go through their journey of life. Religious education aims to help arm individuals with an understanding of where they belong in this multicultural and diverse world we live in.
We follow the City of York Religious education syllabus and we want children to be able to think about the big questions in life and religion. We foster close links with the local church and YOYO trust to deepen Children’s knowledge and understanding.
At Lakeside Primary Academy, Years 1-6 plan our RE curriculum using the York Locally Agreed Syllabus. Our long and medium term plans ensure that there is progression throughout the school and that children are building upon prior knowledge. Our long term plan follows a two year cycle with carefully placed units across the two years ensuring breadth of study and progression. Each unit is based on a big question that aims to promote deep thought. The units have been designed so that pupils develop knowledge and understanding of the principal religions in Great Britain and Christianity is taught as a core religion in both key stages. Our RE curriculum allows children to see the similarities within the major religions and make connections. Each year group will look at festivals in a variety of religions.
In the Early Years, RE sits firmly within the areas of personal, social and emotional development and understanding of the world. This framework enables children to develop a positive sense of themselves, and others, and to learn how to form positive and respectful relationships.
Through our RE teaching, children learn to respond sensitively and imaginatively to questions about their own and others’ ideas, experiences and feelings. The impact of our RE curriculum is measured through pupil voice, parent voice, lesson monitoring and observations during discussion sessions.. Children’s understanding can be seen in the use of the key vocabulary in lessons, talking about religious beliefs of others as well as their own and the children’s enquiries into the religions studied.
Our children will leave school prepared for life in Modern Britain with respectful, positive attitudes developed towards all people, regardless of religion with an understanding that all people should be treated equally.
Key Documents
RE Long Term Plan 2023_2024
RE Knowledge and Skills Progression Document
Religious Education Knowledge Organisers
Subject Specific Knowledge Organisers are used as a reference point for children, staff and parents enabling all to be clear with the key vocabulary for each area of the curriculum.